“ To be close to the Lake. The Lake is Mother and Father to us. From it comes all life. To it all life must return.
—Yolun about the Otter Clan camp, Outcast, chapter 18
Yolun is a member of Otter Clan. Yolun, Ananda, and other hunters confront Renn and Bale for trespassing. Yolun speaks out against the two trespassers, accusing them of harming the Lake and siding with the outcast. He isn't pleased with the Mages decide to let them go. The Mages are later warned of the coming flood, so Yolun is sent to warn the other clans at the shore. Yolun accuses Torak of being the outcast that damaged the Lake, but Fin-Kedinn explains that it was the Viper Mage instead. Yolun and Ananda provide gifts to Torak, Bale, and Renn as thanks for their help in defeating Seshru.
- Yolun wore a fish-skin jerkin fringed at the neck and hem. His eyes were outlined with earthblood.[1]