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Thull is a member of the Raven Clan. He is Oslak's younger brother, Luta's mate, and Dari's father. He is one of Torak's closest friends and is held in high regard by Fin-Kedinn. When the latter left the Ravens to find the Walker, Thull was left in command of the Clan.


Spirit Walker[]

When Torak explains that he believes Oslak is sick, Thull brushes off Torak's concerns and insists his older brother has midge bites. Thull teaches Torak how to spear fish in the river. When Oslak, dazed with illness, attempts to lure Dari towards the rapids, Thull holds his mate Luta back. Fin-Kedinn manages to rescue Dari, and his father clutches him. When Renn is bitten by a tokoroth and screams, Thull and Fin-Kedinn rush over to help.


Thull and Luta let Torak stay in their shelter after Oslak's death. When it is revealed that Torak has the Soul-Eater tattoo, Thull pulls Dari away from him. When Torak is outcasted, Thull breaks his fishing spear. Thull, Sialot, Fin-Kedinn, and Renn later join a Viper Clan patrol to search for Torak. He, Raut, and Maheegun confront Torak after the flood on Lake Axehead.